This is the moving story of Honguito, a 13-year-old orphan living in 12th-century Korea. Honguito is mesmerized by the work of the best potter in town and is lucky enough to become his apprentice. His job will make him realize that a student requires much patience and devotion to master his skill. This is an excellent novel to reflect on identity.
- Title:
- El Aprendiz
- Subtitle:
- -
- Authors:
- Linda Sue Park
- Translators:
- -
- Illustrators:
- -
- Price:
- 16.99 $
- Publish date:
- 2019-07-01
- EAN:
- 9781543314403
- 1543314406
- Measurements:
- 5⅜" x 8¼"
- Format:
- Paperback
- Pages:
- 184 pgs.
- Support:
- Papel
- Age:
- +10
- Collection:
- -
- Genre:
- -
- Subject:
- Asia, Cultural Identity
- Valores:
- -
- Reading level:
- M
- Grade:
- 5-8